AutoPilot Savings

Help! My account is missing the promised savings!

Help! My account is missing the promised savings!

This could be the result of a few different situations. We never hang up a negotiation call without triple checking all of the saving details with the service provider.

If you have waited at least 2 billing cycles and see no change, or believe there was an error, please email us and include the recent statement where the savings isn't reflected. We will followup with your service provider to find out why the savings they promised us were not applied and we will work on getting them reapplied. In some cases our followup calls result in even steeper savings!

If after the followup call, the savings are still missing, we will of course send you back what you've already paid in negotiation fees for the missing savings.

What bills can you lower for me?

What bills can you lower for me? We can lower almost any recurring bills by negotiating better rates! The most common bills where we can find savings include cable, phone, internet, satellite (television and radio), pest control and home security/alarm services. And of course, our flagship AutoPilot Energy service lowers your rates by automatically switching you to cost-competitive plans in Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania a...

How does Viv's AutoPilot Bill Negotiation service work?

How does Viv's AutoPilot Bill Negotiation service work? It’s simple: You upload a bill, and we contact your provider and negotiate to lower your current charges. You’ve called your providers before, and you’ve probably spent plenty of time on hold or being transferred over and over again—and still didn’t get what you needed. We do this all day, every day. We know who to talk to and what to say to get you the absolute best deals available, which means lower prices for you. So leave your bills to...